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Frequenty Asked Questions

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We’re here to help

At Kundu Pest Control, we’re here to help you solve your pest problems. Whether you’re dealing with ants, termites, rodents, or any other pest, our team of experts is committed to providing you with effective solutions that meet your unique needs and preferences.

How can you help me?

We can help you control a wide variety of pests, including ants, roaches, termites, bed bugs, rodents, and more. Contact us to discuss your specific pest control needs.

Are your pest control products safe for my family and pets?

Yes, we use safe and effective pest control products that are approved by regulatory agencies and pose minimal risk to humans and pets.

How often do I need to schedule pest control services?

The frequency of pest control services depends on several factors, including the type of pest, severity of the infestation, and your location. We can provide a customized pest control plan that meets your specific needs.

What is your approach to pest control? Do you use integrated pest management?

Yes, we use an integrated pest management approach that combines preventive measures, non-chemical solutions, and targeted pesticide applications to control pests while minimizing harm to the environment.

How do you customize your pest control solutions for each customer?

We assess each customer’s unique pest control needs and develop a customized solution that takes into account factors such as the type of pest, severity of the infestation, and the customer’s preferences and budget.

Can you help me identify the type of pest problem I have?

Yes, we have the expertise and knowledge to identify the type of pest problem you have and develop a customized solution to control it.

Do you offer emergency pest control services?

Yes, we offer emergency pest control services to help you deal with urgent pest problems that require immediate attention.

Are your pest control technicians licensed and insured?

Yes, our pest control technicians are licensed, insured, and highly trained to provide safe and effective pest control services.

What is the cost of your pest control services?

The cost of our pest control services varies depending on the type of pest, severity of the infestation, and other factors. Contact us to request a quote for your specific pest control needs.

Do you offer any guarantees on your pest control services?

Yes, we offer a satisfaction guarantee on our pest control services. If you are not satisfied with the results of our services, we will work with you to make it right.

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